Prone Foil Surfing Beginners Perspective 9 - Catching waves

Wed 03 Nov 2021
Author: John Nayler
With board, commitment and safety talked about for prone foil surfing, it's to catch a wave.

Biggest piece of advice work out the perfect waves to catch and go only after them. If you are like me you might need as many as 50 waves before you even get to your feet. I think that is a worst case scenario, as I have seen other people with short board experience who know well how to catch a wave.

I found it really important to conserve energy and be sure to pick out the waves that are really perfect for the beginner, probably broken, but full of wash, a foil buried in the unbroken wave and the wash to carry you, then you are off and if you are in the perfect position your foil is going to give you some experience of lift and place you quickly out in front of the wave.

I found it really important at a point to burst to strokes after the initial paddle in to put you on the perfect about to break types that are really going to prepare you for the years of foiling ahead.

All this is there to hear in the video.

Happy foiling!

Gear purchased from

Prone foils
Surf foiling
Konrad boards and Konrad foils
Lift Foils
Armstrong Foils
Axis Foils
Naish Foils
F1 Foils

How to Foil - Foiling Education

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